Thursday, October 11, 2012

LV Outlet Let's face it

Let's face it, anyone who has created a low, or no budget film knows there are quite a few more than 5 steps in making a no budget film. For simplicity's sake, I'll group many of the smaller, individual steps into 5 main categories:


If there is no story, there is no film. You simply cannot make stuff up as you go along. In this step, we'll cover all things dealing with the script and the story, such as:

* writing your own script

* working with a writer

* optioning material for a script

* character creation

* story development and structure


Preproduction is one of the least thought out phases of no budget filmmaking. Many an independent film has fallen prey to failure for lack of sufficient planning. The topics we'll discuss are as follows:

* setting up a "command center" (workspace or office)

* legal considerations (lawyers and legal forms)

* budgeting, and why you shouldn't fund your own film if you have other means at your disposal

* shooting schedules (scene breakdowns, number of shooting days, daily schedules)

* insurance, and why you MUST have insurance

* securing shooting locations

* auditioning actors

* putting together a production crew and dealing with unions and guilds

* determining and procuring necessary shooting equipment

* production design (sets, props, and wardrobe)


As mentioned in the previous section, you will have devised plans in regards to a shooting schedule. Those plans will determine the who, what, where, and when of the necessary locations, equipment, props and wardrobe, and actors which are needed on a day-to-day basis. The production phase of no budget filmmaking is where the "rubber meets the road". It's game time! It's time to make all of your well-laid plans into an actual film. We'll discuss:

* dealing with actors

* directing

* cinematography

* audio recording

* hair and makeup

* craft services and catering


Nothing sounds sweeter to any filmmaker, whether they are Steven Spielberg, or a student filmmaker, than the phrase, "It's in the can"! Here's where all your planning and perseverance pays off. You have raw film footage, now what? Here are some of the things you need to consider:

* editing your film

* digital effects

* postproduction audio

* music score

I realize the four items above are rather terse, but I assure you they are some wide-ranging topics, and will probably be covered each individually in their own future articles.


It doesn't really matter how good (or bad) your film is if no one sees it! Now it's time for you to get your baby out to the masses. We'll cover distribution of your film using the vehicles listed below:

* film festivals

* domestic distribution

* foreign distribution

* internet distribution (you would be crazy NOT to start here first)

* attracting distributors

As you can see, there are quite a few things a no budget filmmaker needs to consider while planning, filming, and distributing their own film. Over the course of the next several weeks, we will cover all of the topics listed above in greater detail. Please check back often for updates.

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